Judi Cipnick Casey
After graduating from Washington University in St. Louis, I moved to Boston in 1978 to attend graduate school at the Boston University Graduate School of Social Work. After several years in clinical social work focused on substance abuse and EAPs as well as teaching/mentoring graduate students, my work career has focused on how individuals manage their work and family lives and how organizations can best support them. I worked at the Boston College Center for Work & Family as a researcher, trainer, and writer, and ran a membership organization for HR professionals interested in creating great workplaces. I was the Director of an online resource, the Sloan Work and Family Research Network for academics, practitioners, and policymakers interested in work and family issues which we morphed into a membership organization for work and family academics, the Work and Family Researchers Network. I am mostly retired now and spend my time playing golf and tennis, at Pilates, reading, and enjoying my friends and family. In the winter, we go to Hilton Head, SC which is my happy place. I’ve been married for 40 years, and we have one son, who is married –he and his wife are having our first grandchild due March 10, 2023.
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